siwenoid security integration management software live04

Security Integration software for management

Siwenoid is an integrated security management software that runs on Windows, Linux or Mac OS X. Compatible with several fire/intrusion panels and CCTV DVR/NVRs. Easy to use engineering and user interface. Script enabled to define interactions between subsystems. Flexible, reliable, scalable, competitive without any compromise.

Fire alarm, CCTV, intrusion panel integration

  • Integrates the most popular fire alarm / intrusion detextion / CCTV systems ( See our compatibility list)
  • Unified user interface to control all systems on one screeen
  • CCTV control with PTZ function. Any HID device – even an xbox controller – can control video surviallence systems
  • Unlimited number of datapoints / transmitters can be integrated (Our largest installation works with more than 16.000 datapoints)
  • Easy to use, intuitive interface
  • Datapoints / CCTV images etc. can be assigned to maps, blueprints so the user instantly knows where the alarm occures
  • Built for speed! No “hourglass” of any kind.

The Siwenoid management software is…

  • OS independent java application
  • Built from open source resources
  • Developed in open source environment
  • Key features are flexibility, reliability and speed
  • Can be configured on the fly, while the subsystems working
  • Powerful scripting options for engineers

SIWENOID is an OS independent JAVA application. It is flexible, reliable, user- and engineer friendly, scalable, and cost effective solution. Several fire, intrusion panels, and CCTV DVR/NVR’s are integrated. Camera picture pop-ups in case of an event and recording is triggered in the background. One click playback from event log. Several special features help engineers in commissioning. Some features speed up commissioning some make it flexible. Script language allows you to implement special features on site.

Dynamic Licencing – Perfect for all sizes of installations.

Pay what you use! Siwenoid is licenced by the number of datapoints (detectors, CCTV cameras etc.) you intend to connect.

You don’t have to buy a “Big software” for 20 smoke detectors or 10 security cameras – but you can get a software for 16.000 detectors too.

Where they use Siwenoid?

Siwenoid runs in over 120 sites in Hungary, and we have installations through Austria, Romania and in the Czech Republic.

Some of our references includes:

  • Entire documentation is available in MEDIAWIKI format.

Integrated security management szoftware capabilities

siwenoid security integration management softwarelive01

Siwenoid live installation

Detection / security system compatibility

SIWENOID can integrate different subsystems. It hides the differences between them on management system level. For customer request we continously develop protocols. Currently we support the following subsystems, and protocols:

  • SIEMENS Algorex (ISO1745)
  • SIEMENS Sinteso and CerberusPro (BACnet)
  • SECURITON SecuriFire control unit
  • BOSCH FPA5000 fire control unit
  • SD3 fire control unit
  • FMZ5000 Minimax fire control unit
  • LST BCxx fire control unit
  • SIEMENS Sintony intrusion system
  • SIEMENS SPC6000/5300 intrusion system
  • BOSCH MAP intrusion system
  • Texecom Premiere intrusion system
  • Honeywell Galaxy intrusion system
  • SATEL intrusion system
  • PARADOX EVO192 intrusion system
  • Dahua Digital Video Recorder
  • HikVision Digital Video Recorder
  • MPEG4 or H264 IP camera stream
  • MODBus (TCP/RTU) protocol

… and more are under development

Siwenoid overlook

Explanatory video

Check the software in action!

Watch our demonstration videos


Glances of the software

User interface

All alerts and warnings are on one screen. Customizable treatment tables for every datapoints, with different permission levels per user.

You can revise every single alert and event in the un-deletable event log:

Datapoints can be arranged to tree views, and they are searchable.


Datapoints can be represented on maps / blueprints

Datapoint parametering

Datapoints can be arranged into “containers”

Datapoints can be imported different ways from via live-query of the system, or using metafiles.

Map editing

Datapoints can be added to maps so on alert it can be popped up to instantly see where the alert is coming from.

Map points can be resized and placed pixel-perceftly

User right management

Users can be added by administrators (engineers)

Every user can have specific permissions

Any individual datapoint (or it’s control) can be enabled / disabled for any specific user

Case studies

Saving manpower and increase security transparency at Auchan The task was to visualize the alarms of the intrusion detection system so the security personnel could overlook the whole system at one glance, for increased transparency and to make their job easier.

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